Discover success of your Agile Transformation

Agile Accelerator

You know what an agile organization is, and why it is important. However, discovering how to put an agile transformation to work is a border between success and failure.


Agile challenges you need to tacle

You will benefit from our Agile people transformation accelerator methodology if your organization:

  • is in the process of agile transformation and you want to ensure its success
  • has already transformed to agile operational model, but you face challenges in changing a mindset of people
  • wants to expand agile transformation on multi-departmental level and you have detected mindset change difficulties and barriers
  • wants to sustain and scale agility on the long-run and you need to discover what makes it successful

Our approach

Agile is a mind-set, being human or organizational. Without the right mind-set, all other parts of the agile operating system can be in place, and yet companies will see few benefits.

Leadership excellence model


Accelerate MINDSET CHANGE of people.
Identify, transform, develop and retain employees to EMPOWER the people to think agile.


Establish ABILITY to operate in agile.
Implement new processes, technology and structure to ENABLE the organization to work in agile.

How we help you

Our proven methodology focuses on the most important facet of an organizational change – people and their mindset twist. This preliminary attention guarantees success of your agile transformation. A modular agile acceleration process is tailored to specific needs of the company and depth of agile transformation within your organization.

Agile mindset accelerator model

1. Define

Building competency profiles for agile roles

2. Assess

Assessment on two levels (personal and team)

3. Discover

Best fitting people to roles and teams

4. Activate

Flagging development areas for agile fit

5. Grow

Developing people aligned with pre-defined areas

6. Validate

Validation and fine-tuning of the profiles

Why Assesment Systems?

  • We help in an agile mindset change
  • We objectively define barriers of the agile transformation
  • We help you identify critical roles
  • We provide tangible areas for a development
  • We accelerate transformation by focusing on “soft” elements
  • We have 20 years of experience in growing talents
  • We cooperate with a panel of international experts
Make your talents’ potential work!
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